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Services or Offerings?
Door lock, hang something on wall, desk drawer broken, build request

Cleaning, trash removal, cleaning supplies, floor shampoo/wax

Broken lights, light switches, or outlets, install new outlet

Office moves, landscaping, parking lot, snow/ice removal

Office/building key requests for new employees or move

Room painting, touch-ups

Clogged sink or toilet, broken water fountain, no hot water, leaking pipe

New sign or sign moves

Room reservations

Adobe Reader, Acrobat Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, and more

For events, meetings, presentations, and other special projects

ERP system used by BOR and all campuses

Used for Student Opinion of Instruction (SOI)

Request access or report an issue for card readers, which can be found on doors, laundry, vending machines, and cash registers around campus.