25Live Location Approvers


Location approvers by building





Reservation requests in 25Live are approved or denied by an Approver. Typically, a single person or department is assigned to approve for an entire building, but there are exceptions. Below is a list of buildings and the assigned Approver for each. Please reach out to an Approver directly if you have questions specific to the space they approve.

25Live Approvers by Location
Location Abbreviation Spaces Approver
Barnett Center NBC All Celia Tosh
Beulah Williams Library NLB All Public Spaces Nancy Miller
Beulah Williams Library NLB*141A CETL Pedagogy Lab Angela Hermansen
Dacotah Bank Stadium NSC Stadium, Suites, Thares Field Celia Tosh
Dacotah Hall NDH Classrooms Heidi Hepola
Dacotah Hall NDH Gym Celia Tosh
Graham Hall NGH*008 Missouri River Room Melanie Neiber
H.P. Gerber Hall NGB All Dawn Preszler
Jewett Science Center NJSC All Jessica Furney
Johnson Fine Arts Center NJC Art Galleries Tim Rickett
Johnson Fine Arts Center NJC Classrooms, Theaters Brian Omland
Krikac Administration Building NAB Auditorium Brian Omland
Krikac Administration Building NAB Classrooms Dawn Preszler
Mewaldt-Jensen NMJ Classrooms Julie Backous
Mewaldt-Jensen NMJ*340 e-Learning Classroom Erin Bacon
Pavilion NPA Conference Room Celia Tosh
Soccer Field N*Soccer Field Celia Tosh
Spafford Hall NSP Art Galleries Tim Rickett
Spafford Hall NSP*105 Harvey C Jewett IV Conference Room Stacy Bauer
Student Center NSU All Melanie Neiber
Technology Center NTC Classrooms Julie Backous
Technology Center NTC Computer Labs Michele Buum



Article ID: 44
Tue 1/17/23 3:30 PM
Tue 10/8/24 9:50 AM